Example: Casambi integration with LogicMacine


This example will do Casambi device integration into LogicMachine5 over TCP/IP and add a possibility to interact with Casambi devices from KNX, Modbus, Bacnet and other protocols supported in LM5.

Step by step guide

1. Create a user library named websocket and put user.websocket.lua file contents into it.

Source code    
  1. local bit = require('bit')
  2. local ssl = require('ssl')
  3. local socket = require('socket')
  4. local encdec = require('encdec')
  5. local parse_url = require('socket.url').parse
  7. local bxor = bit.bxor
  8. local bor = bit.bor
  9. local band = bit.band
  10. local lshift = bit.lshift
  11. local rshift = bit.rshift
  12. local ssub = string.sub
  13. local sbyte = string.byte
  14. local schar = string.char
  15. local tinsert = table.insert
  16. local tconcat = table.concat
  17. local mmin = math.min
  18. local mfloor = math.floor
  19. local mrandom = math.random
  20. local base64enc = encdec.base64enc
  21. local sha1 = encdec.sha1
  22. local unpack = unpack
  23. local CONTINUATION = 0
  24. local TEXT = 1
  25. local BINARY = 2
  26. local CLOSE = 8
  27. local PING = 9
  28. local PONG = 10
  29. local guid = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'
  31. local read_n_bytes = function(str, pos, n)
  32. pos = pos or 1
  33. return pos+n, string.byte(str, pos, pos + n - 1)
  34. end
  36. local read_int8 = function(str, pos)
  37. return read_n_bytes(str, pos, 1)
  38. end
  40. local read_int16 = function(str, pos)
  41. local new_pos,a,b = read_n_bytes(str, pos, 2)
  42. return new_pos, lshift(a, 8) + b
  43. end
  45. local read_int32 = function(str, pos)
  46. local new_pos,a,b,c,d = read_n_bytes(str, pos, 4)
  47. return new_pos,
  48. lshift(a, 24) +
  49. lshift(b, 16) +
  50. lshift(c, 8 ) +
  51. d
  52. end
  54. local write_int8 = schar
  56. local write_int16 = function(v)
  57. return schar(rshift(v, 8), band(v, 0xFF))
  58. end
  60. local write_int32 = function(v)
  61. return schar(
  62. band(rshift(v, 24), 0xFF),
  63. band(rshift(v, 16), 0xFF),
  64. band(rshift(v, 8), 0xFF),
  65. band(v, 0xFF)
  66. )
  67. end
  69. local generate_key = function()
  70. math.randomseed(os.time())
  72. local r1 = mrandom(0,0xfffffff)
  73. local r2 = mrandom(0,0xfffffff)
  74. local r3 = mrandom(0,0xfffffff)
  75. local r4 = mrandom(0,0xfffffff)
  76. local key = write_int32(r1)..write_int32(r2)..write_int32(r3)..write_int32(r4)
  77. return base64enc(key)
  78. end
  80. local bits = function(...)
  81. local n = 0
  82. for _,bitn in pairs{...} do
  83. n = n + 2^bitn
  84. end
  85. return n
  86. end
  88. local bit_7 = bits(7)
  89. local bit_0_3 = bits(0,1,2,3)
  90. local bit_0_6 = bits(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
  92. -- TODO: improve performance
  93. local xor_mask = function(encoded,mask,payload)
  94. local transformed,transformed_arr = {},{}
  95. -- xor chunk-wise to prevent stack overflow.
  96. -- sbyte and schar multiple in/out values
  97. -- which require stack
  98. for p=1,payload,2000 do
  99. local last = mmin(p+1999,payload)
  100. local original = {sbyte(encoded,p,last)}
  101. for i=1,#original do
  102. local j = (i-1) % 4 + 1
  103. transformed[i] = bxor(original[i],mask[j])
  104. end
  105. local xored = schar(unpack(transformed,1,#original))
  106. tinsert(transformed_arr,xored)
  107. end
  108. return tconcat(transformed_arr)
  109. end
  111. local encode_header_small = function(header, payload)
  112. return schar(header, payload)
  113. end
  115. local encode_header_medium = function(header, payload, len)
  116. return schar(header, payload, band(rshift(len, 8), 0xFF), band(len, 0xFF))
  117. end
  119. local encode_header_big = function(header, payload, high, low)
  120. return schar(header, payload)..write_int32(high)..write_int32(low)
  121. end
  123. local encode = function(data,opcode,masked,fin)
  124. local header = opcode or 1-- TEXT is default opcode
  125. if fin == nil or fin == true then
  126. header = bor(header,bit_7)
  127. end
  128. local payload = 0
  129. if masked then
  130. payload = bor(payload,bit_7)
  131. end
  132. local len = #data
  133. local chunks = {}
  134. if len < 126 then
  135. payload = bor(payload,len)
  136. tinsert(chunks,encode_header_small(header,payload))
  137. elseif len 0
  138. local opcode = band(header,bit_0_3)
  139. local mask = band(payload,bit_7) > 0
  140. payload = band(payload,bit_0_6)
  141. if payload > 125 then
  142. if payload == 126 then
  143. if #encoded < 2 then
  144. return nil,2-#encoded
  145. end
  146. pos,payload = read_int16(encoded,1)
  147. elseif payload == 127 then
  148. if #encoded < 8 then
  149. return nil,8-#encoded
  150. end
  151. pos,high = read_int32(encoded,1)
  152. pos,low = read_int32(encoded,pos)
  153. payload = high*2^32 + low
  154. if payload < 0xffff or payload > 2^53 then
  155. assert(false,'INVALID PAYLOAD '..payload)
  156. end
  157. else
  158. assert(false,'INVALID PAYLOAD '..payload)
  159. end
  160. encoded = ssub(encoded,pos)
  161. bytes = bytes + pos - 1
  162. end
  163. local decoded
  164. if mask then
  165. local bytes_short = payload + 4 - #encoded
  166. if bytes_short > 0 then
  167. return nil,bytes_short
  168. end
  169. local m1,m2,m3,m4
  170. pos,m1 = read_int8(encoded,1)
  171. pos,m2 = read_int8(encoded,pos)
  172. pos,m3 = read_int8(encoded,pos)
  173. pos,m4 = read_int8(encoded,pos)
  174. encoded = ssub(encoded,pos)
  175. local mask = {
  176. m1,m2,m3,m4
  177. }
  178. decoded = xor_mask(encoded,mask,payload)
  179. bytes = bytes + 4 + payload
  180. else
  181. local bytes_short = payload - #encoded
  182. if bytes_short > 0 then
  183. return nil,bytes_short
  184. end
  185. if #encoded > payload then
  186. decoded = ssub(encoded,1,payload)
  187. else
  188. decoded = encoded
  189. end
  190. bytes = bytes + payload
  191. end
  192. return decoded,fin,opcode,encoded_bak:sub(bytes+1),mask
  193. end
  195. local encode_close = function(code,reason)
  196. if code then
  197. local data = write_int16(code)
  198. if reason then
  199. data = data..tostring(reason)
  200. end
  201. return data
  202. end
  203. return ''
  204. end
  206. local decode_close = function(data)
  207. local _,code,reason
  208. if data then
  209. if #data > 1 then
  210. _,code = read_int16(data,1)
  211. end
  212. if #data > 2 then
  213. reason = data:sub(3)
  214. end
  215. end
  216. return code,reason
  217. end
  219. local sec_websocket_accept = function(sec_websocket_key)
  220. local enc = sha1(sec_websocket_key..guid, true)
  221. return base64enc(enc)
  222. end
  224. local http_headers = function(request)
  225. local headers = {}
  226. if not request:match('.*HTTP/1%.1') then
  227. return headers
  228. end
  229. request = request:match('[^\r\n]+\r\n(.*)')
  230. for line in request:gmatch('[^\r\n]*\r\n') do
  231. local name,val = line:match('([^%s]+)%s*:%s*([^\r\n]+)')
  232. if name and val then
  233. name = name:lower()
  234. if not name:match('sec%-websocket') then
  235. val = val:lower()
  236. end
  237. if not headers[name] then
  238. headers[name] = val
  239. else
  240. headers[name] = headers[name]..','..val
  241. end
  242. elseif line ~= '\r\n' then
  243. assert(false,line..'('..#line..')')
  244. end
  245. end
  246. return headers,request:match('\r\n\r\n(.*)')
  247. end
  249. local upgrade_request = function(req, key, protocol)
  250. local format = string.format
  251. local lines = {
  252. format('GET %s HTTP/1.1',req.path or ''),
  253. format('Host: %s',req.host),
  254. 'Upgrade: websocket',
  255. 'Connection: Upgrade',
  256. format('Sec-WebSocket-Key: %s',key),
  257. 'Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13',
  258. }
  259. if protocol then
  260. tinsert(lines, format('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: %s', protocol))
  261. end
  262. if req.port and req.port ~= 80 then
  263. lines[2] = format('Host: %s:%d',req.host,req.port)
  264. end
  265. if req.userinfo then
  266. local auth = format('Authorization: Basic %s', base64enc(req.userinfo))
  267. tinsert(lines, auth)
  268. end
  269. tinsert(lines,'\r\n')
  270. return tconcat(lines,'\r\n')
  271. end
  273. local receive = function(self)
  274. if self.state ~= 'OPEN' and not self.is_closing then
  275. return nil,nil,false,1006,'wrong state'
  276. end
  277. local first_opcode
  278. local frames
  279. local bytes = 3
  280. local encoded = ''
  281. local clean = function(was_clean,code,reason)
  282. self.state = 'CLOSED'
  283. self:sock_close()
  284. if self.on_close then
  285. self:on_close()
  286. end
  287. return nil,nil,was_clean,code,reason or 'closed'
  288. end
  289. while true do
  290. local chunk,err = self:sock_receive(bytes)
  291. if err then
  292. if err == 'timeout' then
  293. return nil,nil,false,1006,err
  294. else
  295. return clean(false,1006,err)
  296. end
  297. end
  298. encoded = encoded..chunk
  299. local decoded,fin,opcode,_,masked = decode(encoded)
  300. if masked then
  301. return clean(false,1006,'Websocket receive failed: frame was not masked')
  302. end
  303. if decoded then
  304. if opcode == CLOSE then
  305. if not self.is_closing then
  306. local code,reason = decode_close(decoded)
  307. -- echo code
  308. local msg = encode_close(code)
  309. local encoded = encode(msg,CLOSE,true)
  310. local n,err = self:sock_send(encoded)
  311. if n == #encoded then
  312. return clean(true,code,reason)
  313. else
  314. return clean(false,code,err)
  315. end
  316. else
  317. return decoded,opcode
  318. end
  319. end
  320. if not first_opcode then
  321. first_opcode = opcode
  322. end
  323. if not fin then
  324. if not frames then
  325. frames = {}
  326. elseif opcode ~= CONTINUATION then
  327. return clean(false,1002,'protocol error')
  328. end
  329. bytes = 3
  330. encoded = ''
  331. tinsert(frames,decoded)
  332. elseif not frames then
  333. return decoded,first_opcode
  334. else
  335. tinsert(frames,decoded)
  336. return tconcat(frames),first_opcode
  337. end
  338. else
  339. assert(type(fin) == 'number' and fin > 0)
  340. bytes = fin
  341. end
  342. end
  343. end
  345. local send = function(self,data,opcode)
  346. if self.state ~= 'OPEN' then
  347. return nil,false,1006,'wrong state'
  348. end
  349. local encoded = encode(data,opcode or TEXT,true)
  350. local n,err = self:sock_send(encoded)
  351. if n ~= #encoded then
  352. return nil,self:close(1006,err)
  353. end
  354. return true
  355. end
  357. local close = function(self,code,reason)
  358. if self.state ~= 'OPEN' then
  359. return false,1006,'wrong state'
  360. end
  361. if self.state == 'CLOSED' then
  362. return false,1006,'wrong state'
  363. end
  364. local msg = encode_close(code or 1000,reason)
  365. local encoded = encode(msg,CLOSE,true)
  366. local n,err = self:sock_send(encoded)
  367. local was_clean = false
  369. code = 1005
  370. reason = ''
  372. if n == #encoded then
  373. self.is_closing = true
  374. local rmsg,opcode = self:receive()
  375. if rmsg and opcode == CLOSE then
  376. code,reason = decode_close(rmsg)
  377. was_clean = true
  378. end
  379. else
  380. reason = err
  381. end
  382. self:sock_close()
  383. if self.on_close then
  384. self:on_close()
  385. end
  386. self.state = 'CLOSED'
  387. return was_clean,code,reason or ''
  388. end
  390. local DEFAULT_PORTS = {ws = 80, wss = 443}
  392. local connect = function(self,ws_url,ssl_params)
  393. if self.state ~= 'CLOSED' then
  394. return nil,'wrong state',nil
  395. end
  396. local parsed = parse_url(ws_url)
  398. if parsed.scheme ~= 'wss' and parsed.scheme ~= 'ws' then
  399. return nil, 'bad protocol'
  400. end
  402. if not parsed.port then
  403. parsed.port = DEFAULT_PORTS[ parsed.scheme ]
  404. end
  406. -- Preconnect (for SSL if needed)
  407. local _,err = self:sock_connect(parsed.host, parsed.port)
  408. if err then
  409. return nil,err,nil
  410. end
  412. if parsed.scheme == 'wss' then
  413. if type(ssl_params) ~= 'table' then
  414. ssl_params = {
  415. protocol = 'tlsv1',
  416. options = {'all', 'no_sslv2', 'no_sslv3'},
  417. verify = 'none',
  418. }
  419. end
  420. ssl_params.mode = 'client'
  422. self.sock = ssl.wrap(self.sock, ssl_params)
  423. self.sock:dohandshake()
  424. elseif parsed.scheme ~= 'ws' then
  425. return nil, 'bad protocol'
  426. end
  427. local key = generate_key()
  428. local req = upgrade_request(parsed, key, self.protocol)
  429. local n,err = self:sock_send(req)
  430. if n ~= #req then
  431. return nil,err,nil
  432. end
  433. local resp = {}
  434. repeat
  435. local line,err = self:sock_receive('*l')
  436. resp[#resp+1] = line
  437. if err then
  438. return nil,err,nil
  439. end
  440. until line == ''
  441. local response = tconcat(resp,'\r\n')
  442. local headers = http_headers(response)
  443. local expected_accept = sec_websocket_accept(key)
  444. if headers['sec-websocket-accept'] ~= expected_accept then
  445. local msg = 'Websocket Handshake failed: Invalid Sec-Websocket-Accept (expected %s got %s)'
  446. return nil,msg:format(expected_accept,headers['sec-websocket-accept'] or 'nil'),headers
  447. end
  448. self.state = 'OPEN'
  449. return true,headers['sec-websocket-protocol'],headers
  450. end
  452. local extend = function(obj)
  453. obj.state = 'CLOSED'
  454. obj.receive = receive
  455. obj.send = send
  456. obj.close = close
  457. obj.connect = connect
  459. return obj
  460. end
  462. local client_copas = function(timeout)
  463. local copas = require('copas')
  464. local self = {}
  466. self.sock_connect = function(self,host,port)
  467. self.sock = socket.tcp()
  468. self.sock:settimeout(timeout or 5)
  469. local _,err = copas.connect(self.sock,host,port)
  470. if err and err ~= 'already connected' then
  471. self.sock:close()
  472. return nil,err
  473. end
  474. end
  476. self.sock_send = function(self,...)
  477. return copas.send(self.sock,...)
  478. end
  480. self.sock_receive = function(self,...)
  481. return copas.receive(self.sock,...)
  482. end
  484. self.sock_close = function(self)
  485. self.sock:close()
  486. end
  488. self = extend(self)
  489. return self
  490. end
  492. local client_sync = function(timeout)
  493. local self = {}
  495. self.sock_connect = function(self,host,port)
  496. self.sock = socket.tcp()
  497. self.sock:settimeout(timeout or 5)
  498. local _,err = self.sock:connect(host,port)
  499. if err then
  500. self.sock:close()
  501. return nil,err
  502. end
  503. end
  505. self.sock_send = function(self,...)
  506. return self.sock:send(...)
  507. end
  509. self.sock_receive = function(self,...)
  510. return self.sock:receive(...)
  511. end
  513. self.sock_close = function(self)
  514. self.sock:close()
  515. end
  517. self = extend(self)
  518. return self
  519. end
  521. local client = function(mode, timeout)
  522. if mode == 'copas' then
  523. return client_copas(timeout)
  524. else
  525. return client_sync(timeout)
  526. end
  527. end
  529. return {
  530. client = client,
  532. TEXT = TEXT,
  534. CLOSE = CLOSE,
  535. PING = PING,
  536. PONG = PONG
  537. }

2. Create a user library named casambi and put user.casambi.lua file contents into it.

Source code    
  1. local _M = {}
  3. local ws = require('user.websocket')
  4. local json = require('json')
  5. local socket = require('socket')
  6. local http = require('socket.http')
  7. local wire = os.time()
  8. local wsconn, credentials, closed
  9. local lb, lbfd, timer, tmfd, wsfd
  10. local mapping = {}
  11. local values = {}
  13. http.TIMEOUT = 5
  15. local function enckey(key, value)
  16. return {
  17. [ key ] = { value = value }
  18. }
  19. end
  21. local encoders = {
  22. onoff = function(value)
  23. return enckey('Dimmer', value)
  24. end,
  25. dimmer = function(value)
  26. return {
  27. Dimmer = { value = value / 255 }
  28. }
  29. end,
  30. color = function(value)
  31. local rgb = string.format('rgb(%d, %d, %d)',
  32. bit.band(bit.rshift(value, 16), 0xFF),
  33. bit.band(bit.rshift(value, 8), 0xFF),
  34. bit.band(value, 0xFF)
  35. )
  37. return {
  38. RGB = { rgb = rgb },
  39. Colorsource = { source = 'RGB' },
  40. }
  41. end,
  42. cct = function(value)
  43. return {
  44. ColorTemperature = { value = value },
  45. Colorsource = { source = 'TW' },
  46. }
  47. end,
  48. casarolloup = function(value)
  49. return enckey('Hoch', value)
  50. end,
  51. casarollodown = function(value)
  52. return enckey('Runter', value)
  53. end,
  54. ligacurtainup = function(value)
  55. return enckey('UP', value)
  56. end,
  57. ligacurtaindown = function(value)
  58. return enckey('DOWN', value)
  59. end,
  60. ligacurtainmaxup = function(value)
  61. return enckey('MAX UP', value)
  62. end,
  63. ligacurtainmaxdown = function(value)
  64. return enckey('MAX DOWN', value)
  65. end,
  66. }
  68. local decoders = {
  69. onoff = function(control)
  70. return control.value > 0, dt.bool
  71. end,
  72. dimmer = function(control)
  73. return math.round(control.value * 255), dt.uint8
  74. end,
  75. color = function(control)
  76. local r, g, b = control.rgb:match('(%d+),%s*(%d+),%s*(%d+)')
  77. local v = tonumber(r or 0) * 0x10000 + tonumber(g or 0) * 0x100 + tonumber(b or 0)
  78. return v, dt.rgb
  79. end,
  80. cct = function(control)
  81. return control.value, dt.uint16
  82. end
  83. }
  85. local function eventcb(event)
  86. if not wsconn then
  87. return
  88. elseif event.sender == grp.sender then
  89. return
  90. end
  92. local props = mapping.control[ event.dst ]
  93. if not props then
  94. return
  95. end
  97. local id, method
  99. if props.sceneid then
  100. id = props.sceneid
  101. method = 'controlScene'
  102. elseif props.groupid then
  103. id = props.groupid
  104. method = 'controlGroup'
  105. else
  106. id = props.id
  107. method = 'controlUnit'
  108. end
  110. local value = tonumber(event.datahex, 16) or 0
  111. local message = {
  112. id = id,
  113. wire = wire,
  114. method = method,
  115. }
  117. if props.sceneid or props.groupid then
  118. message.level = props.type == 'onoff' and value or (value / 255)
  119. else
  120. message.targetControls = encoders[ props.type ](value)
  121. end
  123. local payload = json.encode(message)
  125. -- log('tx', payload)
  127. wsconn:send(payload)
  128. end
  130. local function request(endpoint, payload)
  131. local method, body
  133. local headers = {}
  134. headers['X-Casambi-Key'] = credentials.api_key
  136. if credentials.session_id then
  137. headers['X-Casambi-Session'] = credentials.session_id
  138. end
  140. if payload then
  141. method = 'POST'
  143. headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
  144. headers['Content-Length'] = #payload
  146. body = json.encode(payload)
  147. else
  148. method = 'GET'
  149. end
  151. local res, code = http.request({
  152. url = 'https://door.casambi.com/' .. endpoint,
  153. method = method,
  154. headers = headers,
  155. body = body,
  156. })
  158. if res and code == 200 then
  159. res = json.pdecode(res)
  160. end
  162. return res, code
  163. end
  165. local function getusersession()
  166. local payload = {
  167. email = credentials.email,
  168. password = credentials.user_password
  169. }
  171. return request('v1/users/session/', payload)
  172. end
  174. local function getnetworksession()
  175. local payload = {
  176. email = credentials.email,
  177. password = credentials.network_password
  178. }
  180. return request('v1/networks/session/', payload)
  181. end
  183. _M.getnetworkunits = function()
  184. local endpoint = 'v1/networks/' .. credentials.network_id .. '/units'
  185. return request(endpoint)
  186. end
  188. local ping = json.encode({
  189. method = 'ping',
  190. wire = wire
  191. })
  193. local function wscontrol(prefix, control)
  194. local ctype = control.type:lower()
  195. local key = prefix .. '_' .. ctype
  196. local addr = mapping.status[ key ]
  198. if addr then
  199. local value, dpt = decoders[ ctype ](control)
  201. if values[ addr ] ~= value then
  202. grp.write(addr, value, dpt)
  203. values[ addr ] = value
  204. end
  205. end
  206. end
  208. local function wsparse(data)
  209. data = json.pdecode(data)
  211. if type(data) ~= 'table' then
  212. return
  213. end
  215. local status = data.wireStatus
  216. if status then
  217. if status ~= 'openWireSucceed' then
  218. log('casambi: websocket error: ' .. tostring(data.message or status))
  219. wsconn:close()
  220. closed = true
  221. end
  223. return
  224. end
  226. if data.method ~= 'unitChanged' then
  227. return
  228. end
  230. local prefix
  232. if type(data.groupId) == 'number' and data.groupId > 0 then
  233. prefix = 'group_' .. data.groupId
  234. else
  235. prefix = 'id_' .. data.id
  236. end
  238. for _, control in ipairs(data.controls) do
  239. wscontrol(prefix, control)
  241. if control.type == 'Dimmer' then
  242. control.type = 'onoff'
  243. wscontrol(prefix, control)
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  248. local function wsconnect()
  249. wsconn = ws.client('sync', 10)
  250. wsconn.protocol = credentials.api_key
  252. local res, err = wsconn:connect('wss://door.casambi.com/v1/bridge/')
  253. if not res then
  254. log('casambi: websocket connection failed, error: ' .. tostring(err))
  255. return nil, err
  256. end
  258. wsfd = socket.fdmaskset(wsconn.sock:getfd(), 'r')
  260. wsconn.on_close = function()
  261. log('casambi: websocket connection closed')
  262. closed = true
  263. end
  265. local open = json.encode({
  266. method = 'open',
  267. id = credentials.network_id,
  268. session = credentials.session_id,
  269. wire = wire,
  270. type = 1 -- fixed client type
  271. })
  273. wsconn:send(open)
  275. return true
  276. end
  278. _M.setcredentials = function(cred)
  279. credentials = cred
  280. end
  282. _M.setmapping = function(mode, map)
  283. if mode == 'control' then
  284. mapping.control = map
  285. elseif mode == 'status' then
  286. mapping.status = {}
  288. for addr, props in pairs(map) do
  289. local key
  291. if props.groupid then
  292. key = 'group_' .. props.groupid
  293. else
  294. key = 'id_' .. props.id
  295. end
  297. key = key .. '_' .. props.type
  299. mapping.status[ key ] = addr
  300. end
  301. end
  302. end
  304. _M.init = function()
  305. lb = require('localbus').new()
  306. lb:sethandler('groupwrite', eventcb)
  307. lb:sethandler('groupresponse', eventcb)
  309. lbfd = socket.fdmaskset(lb:getfd(), 'r')
  311. timer = require('timerfd').new(60)
  312. tmfd = socket.fdmaskset(timer:getfd(), 'r')
  313. end
  315. local function initsession()
  316. local res, err
  318. res, err = getusersession()
  319. if type(res) ~= 'table' then
  320. return nil, err, 'user'
  321. end
  323. credentials.session_id = res.sessionId
  325. res, err = getnetworksession()
  326. if type(res) ~= 'table' then
  327. return nil, err, 'network'
  328. end
  330. credentials.network_id = next(res)
  332. return true
  333. end
  335. _M.initsession = initsession
  337. local function connect()
  338. local res, err, state = initsession()
  340. if not res then
  341. log('casambi: get ' .. state .. ' session failed, error: ' .. tostring(err))
  342. return
  343. end
  345. return wsconnect()
  346. end
  348. local function loop()
  349. local res, lbstat, tmstat, wsstat
  351. if wsconn then
  352. res, lbstat, tmstat, wsstat = socket.selectfds(120, lbfd, tmfd, wsfd)
  353. else
  354. res, lbstat, tmstat = socket.selectfds(120, lbfd, tmfd)
  355. end
  357. if not res then
  358. wsconn:close()
  359. closed = true
  360. return
  361. end
  363. if lbstat then
  364. lb:step()
  365. end
  367. if tmstat then
  368. timer:read()
  370. if wsconn then
  371. wsconn:send(ping)
  372. end
  373. end
  375. if wsstat then
  376. local data = wsconn:receive()
  378. -- log('rx', data)
  380. if data then
  381. wsparse(data)
  382. end
  383. end
  384. end
  386. _M.run = function()
  387. if closed then
  388. wsconn = nil
  389. closed = nil
  390. end
  392. if wsconn then
  393. loop()
  394. elseif not connect() then
  395. os.sleep(10)
  396. end
  397. end
  399. return _M

3. Create a resident script with 0 seconds sleep time (use resident.lua as a template):

Source code    
  1. if not casambi then
  2. casambi = require('user.casambi')
  4. local control = {
  5. -- on/off control for device with id 2
  6. ['1/1/1'] = {
  7. id = 2,
  8. type = 'onoff'
  9. },
  10. -- 0..100% control for group with id 1
  11. ['1/1/3'] = {
  12. groupid = 1,
  13. type = 'dimmer'
  14. }
  15. }
  17. local status = {
  18. -- on/off status for device with id 2
  19. ['1/1/2'] = {
  20. id = 2,
  21. type = 'onoff'
  22. },
  23. -- 0..100% status for group with id 1
  24. ['1/1/4'] = {
  25. groupid = 1,
  26. type = 'dimmer'
  27. }
  28. }
  30. casambi.setmapping('control', control)
  31. casambi.setmapping('status', status)
  33. -- Casambi access credentials
  34. casambi.setcredentials({
  35. api_key = 'API_KEY',
  36. email = 'user@example.com',
  37. network_password = 'NET_PASS',
  38. user_password = 'USER_PASS',
  39. })
  41. casambi.init()
  42. end
  44. casambi.run()
  • a. Provide all credentials (api key, email, network password and user password) in casambi.setcredentials({…})
  • b. Fill control and status mapping as needed. One group address can control a single Casambi device (id field must be set) or a single Casambi group (groupid field must be set).
    The type field specifies control or status type. Note that group control is only supported by onoff and dimmer types.
    Available control/status types and according object data types:
    – onoff = 1 bit boolean
    – dimmer = 1 byte scale
    – color = 3 bytes RGB
    – cct = 2 bytes unsigned
  • c. When changing control/status mapping or credentials make sure to do a full resident script restart via disable/enable.
  • d. Any connection or credentials errors will be visible in the Logs tab.
    4. getnetworkunits.lua script can be used to get all network and group IDs. Provide credentials and run the script once. Network structure will be visible in Logs entry.


    * table:
    * table:
    * string: 8e2f6de63640
    * string: 26.40
    * number: 0
    * number: 2
    * string: Luminaire
    * number: 1000
    * string: CBU-ASD (0/1-10)
    * number: 0

    Network has a device with ID 2. It does not belong to any group (groupId is 0).